YouTube versus Television Advertisements

May 24, 2022

YouTube Ad Vs TV Ads

Advertisements are a great avenue to endorse your product to showcase it to the globe, freezing a series of moments, possess the potential to create awareness for the content of the advertiser on the way to guiding the customer journey. Advertising is the process of video making in a particular subject from the time of conception to the final product with the objective to convince the viewers. Coming down to the debate between YouTube and Television adverts, this blog is going to deal with the advertising analysis between the two, particularly focusing on certain points.


What is the Difference between YouTube and Television Advertisements?

Budget :

Expensive investment but might as well be considered cheap if viewed by millions of viewers.

INR 2 per 1000 views (during India-Pakistan cricket match).


This is an indispensable aspect when it comes down to the field of ad-making.We might as well consider television advert promotion as a more expensive affair as compared to choosing YouTube as a channel to promote your product. In television advertisements you have to pay for the advert anyway, even if the viewer chooses to change the channel, which is not the case in YouTube adverts. But depending upon the views, television adverts might be cheaper if it is viewed by millions of people as it implies during an Indian cricket match which might be INR 2 for 1000 viewers.


The advertiser’s budget can be as low as INR 100 under the  ‘YouTube Ad Campaign’ .


Advertisement  not charged if ‘Skip Ad’ is clicked.

The advertiser will be charged per view even if the advertisement is gaining prominence. INR 2 per view (supposition).


‘YouTube Ads Campaign’ can be started as low as INR 100 which is not the case when it comes to television adverts. IN YouTube there is an option of ‘Skip Ad’ ,and if the timer times out then you don’t have to pay for the view! Therefore, YouTube ad-making is much more beneficial to the advertiser as he is not charged. The advertiser will only have to pay for the views by those people who really want to see the advertisement. But it might as well get expensive as for every YouTube advert ,the advertiser might be charged INR 2 for a single view.


Target Audience :


Audience cannot be targeted.

In television, the advertiser has no option to target a particular audience. He/she cannot sift the audience, though there are some instances where this can be executed. For example, a toy company advertises it’s new launch only on a kids entertainment channel. But this is not the case if there is an advertisement on women’s hair removal cream, as there are no television channels targeted only for female viewers.


Audience can be targeted according to age, gender, lifestyle, interests and hobbies.


In case of YouTube advertisements, there is an alternative where the advertiser is allowed to target ideal customers only. For example, if the advertiser wants to advertise Justin Bieber concert tickets, he will basically focus it’s marketing among teenagers rather than middle-aged people.


Trackability :


Television advertisements cannot be voluntarily viewed later by the viewer to know certain details regarding the product.


Television advertisements are played for  a specific time duration, and the details might not be retained by the viewer as the advertisement is played and cannot be repeated by the viewer voluntarily. This might as well be considered as a major drawback in certain cases.


YouTube advertisements have a link present on the bottom right corner where the viewer can view particular features of the product.


When it comes to YouTube advertising, there is an option of clicking on the website of the product then and there on the screen itself , where you can find all the relevant details related to the product endorsed by the specific brand. Consequently, YouTube advertising is more trackable. Therefore, this feature amplifies everything else in the advertisement.


Stackability Factor


The adverts get stacked up one after another, losing it’s appeal to the viewers.


There is a major drawback in television advertising that all the adverts get stacked up continuously, one after another. IN this case, for example, if someone is watching a movie and an advertisement break comes up,  the viewers generally choose to change the channel immediately to skip the adverts. IN this way the television advertisers suffer a loss, as he/she has already paid for the advertisement which is not even viewed completely.


A single advert is played before any YouTube video is viewed,not stacking up a number of adverts one after another.


In case of YouTube adverts, the advertisements are not stacked up one after another ,therefore, there is more possibility for the viewer to view it as it does not lose it’s meaning and retains it’s substance.


Time Factor

Television adverts are restricted by time.


Television advertisements are limited with time ,they are generally not played for more than 30 seconds. IN case it consists of a longer duration the advertiser will have to invest more money.


YouTube adverts are not confined by any time boundaries.


Given the case of YouTube advertisements they can be extended up to 4 minutes and 11 seconds on an average basis as per the survey by Unruly Media on the ‘Top 10 most shared Ads’ of all time. IN fact there are certain YouTube adverts lasting up hours!

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